alameda meals on wheels
Advocacy.Marketing volunteers to assist non-profit organizations in the Bay Area in supporting seniors, veterans and the disabled, the arts community, and animal rescue and adoption.
The global Covid-19 pandemic hit all communities hard, especially our seniors, veterans, and disabled neighbors who are not able to grocery shop or make their own meals. We helped Alameda Meals on Wheels (AMOW) pivot from their largest live fundraising event to an online donation drive. Collaborating with our partner, Vox Populi, we told the story of how the program’s tireless volunteers continued to serve fresh, hot meals daily to hundreds of homebound residents in the city of Alameda. The 2020 shelter in place order gave new meaning to “homebound", but AMOW did not miss a beat to ensure its growing list of recipients would not go hungry!
Vox Populi and Advocacy.marketing developed the “AMOW 2020-21 COVID-19 Emergency Drive,” a direct email and social media campaign, using video vignettes of our volunteers in action, and interviews with select recipients in their homes. As a result of the overwhelming community response, the program was able to deliver a record of more than 50,000 hot meals in 2020.