Case Study

ca truckers guild

CA Truckers Guild logo.png

ca truckers guild

Social Media | Coalition Building | Google Ads | Research & Digital Strategy

The CA Truckers Guild is a coalition built to represent the 60,000+ independent truckers in California to stop the AB5 bill. AB 5 is a bill moving that moved through the California Legislature. The bill forces independent business people to become employees of large corporations.



A summary of how the Advocacy.Marketing team helped grow this coalition and hopes to find a solution in the near future for all of the California independent truckers.

From the trial lawyers to Indian casinos to organized labor, one group or another has been at the top of the heap in regarding holding sway with the Legislature. They’ve had the clout to get their bills passed, kill bills beneficial to their opponents and see their allies elected or re-elected.

Today organized labor is the top dog in Sacramento. Seeing that Uber and Lyft drivers had significant complaints about their place in the gig economy, labor set out to turn these independent contractors (and others) into union dues-paying employees.

Labor approached a key ally, Assembly member Lorena Gonzalez who authored AB 5, one of the most controversial bills in recent memory. The bill would destroy the gig economy and turn independent contractors into union dues-paying employees. The bill snared more than just Uber/Lyft drivers. Also caught in the net were newspaper delivery people, realtors and — independent truckers.

There are estimated to be over 60,000 independent truckers in California. These Truckers haul everything from garlic to air-conditioning equipment and have been making literally hundreds of trips a day hauling away the remains of the Paradise fire, near Chico.

The Truckers are by-and-large immigrants and minorities. Men and women who see the ​American Dream​ is owning their own business. They typically spend $150,000- $200,000 on their trucks. Unlike Uber/Lyft drivers, indy truckers would have no idea WHO their employer would be under AB 5. They are determined to be exempt from the bill.

To protect the truckers Advocacy.Marketing created a series of Facebook ads that led viewers to a landing page where they were automatically prompted to call or email Governor Newsom or call/email a rotating number of legislators to say ​Vote NO on AB 5.

We generated 795 calls/emails to Governor Newsom’s office.

Collected 108 email addresses

Generated more than 1,000,000 impressions through digital platforms including Social Media & Google Ads.

The battle over AB 5 continues into the next session when a clean-up will hopeful offer the truckers the final protection they need. Safe to say however they would not be at the table without the coalition powers of A.M.

You can join the coalition to protect California business by clicking here.


campaign Overview

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