How COVID-19 will affect Lobbying today and beyond.png

With the Coronavirus disrupting everything from the stock market, to travel, to our work, how will it disrupt the way we communicate?  

For many, many years now people have advocated before government officials  face-to-face—  in committee hearings, at city halls and across a desk.

As experts encourage social distancing these traditional, tried-and-true lobbying practices are on hold.  Many of us now work-from-home and limit our interactions with others, in hope of stopping the virus from spreading.  Still, work has to go on, bills need to be passed, ordinances killed, amendments adopted— the public’s business goes on.

How do you impact Public Policy at a time like this?

How do you impact public policy at time like this?  The mayor you need to approve a zoning amendment maybe not be at City Hall, same is true of Assembly members at the Capitol.  Staff may be working from home and hearings conducted via conference call.  In this environment how do you do your job advocating?

For the past 6 years Advocacy.Marketing has been touting what we call-- lobbying online.  The Internet gives lobbyists, government relations practitioners, association advocates and others the ability to communicate effectively through this crisis.  While you many not be able to reach officials at the state capitol or city hall, you can reach them via email, on Facebook, via Instagram, Twitter, Linked-In and others.  We can motivate your supporters to contact officials where they are, not where they were.

Having been at this work for awhile now we have built effective, motivated coalitions to pass bills, kill initiatives, elect candidates and position new ideas.  We just added podcasting as a capability.  Podcasting can help you explain complicated concepts in a conversational way.  And there is no need to record your podcast face-to-face.  Our podcasting director James Scrivano, can produce your podcast over the phone, from wherever you are.  And we don’t stop there, we can distribute your podcast to your target audience, when you want it delivered and promote it via digital advertising.

So, what’s the takeaway message?  You can advocate effectively online at this difficult time.  Use the power of the Internet to reach people where they are, not at an empty office.  For more information on how A.M can develop and implement a plan for you—



